Friday, 6 June 2008

Who comes to see an Osteopath?

According to the British Osteopathic Council :

50% Suffer With Low Back Pain 

The commonest cause of back pain is some form of mechanical strain affecting the tissues of the spine. For example joint displacement, spinal disc herniation or degeneration, muscle injury or postural strain.  Osteopathy has proved to be a successful approach for  back pain

Over 50% are Women 

The physical demands of pregnancy and childbirth often cause strain to the musclulo-skeletal system in women. Such conditions as backpain, neck and shoulder pain and tension headaches can result. Osteopathy can be an effective treatment for problems of this sort

25% are in their Forties  

In middle age the demands of work and family life often leave less time for exercise. As activity levels drop the incidence of musculo-skeletal pain and stiffness increases. Osteopaths can not only treat this but also give advice on lifestyle changes that may remove the cause

Many problems relate to  Work

Both sedentary work such a using a computer and heavy physical jobs can cause disorders of the muscles tendons and joints. Neck shoulder arm and back pain can result. Osteopaths treat many conditions related to  the workplace and can give advice on remedial exercises and prevention.

Many are Elderly

The aches and pains  associated with ageing often respond well to Osteopathic treatment. The techniques of Osteopathy are tailored to the needs of each  patient so even frail individuals can be treated safely and effectively. Osteopathy can help reduce pain and stiffness in less severe stages of Osteoarthritis.

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