Back pain is a common condition amongst both amateur and professional golfers. The golf swing is a complex movement that demands good flexibility from the whole spine. If spinal joints are restricted in one region of the spine then neighboring joints have to compensate. Areas of the spine are specialised for different movements: for instance rotation occurs most at junction between the thorax and lumbar spine. If this part of the spine is restricted then the rotational movement will have to occur lower in the lumbar region. The lumbar area is not adapted for rotation so the turning range here is limited and easily overloaded, resulting in painful injury.
Osteopathy can help golfers not only by resolving acute back problems but also by improving function throughout the spine. This enables each part of the spine to play its part in the golf swing. The movement becomes smoother, better coordinated and more fluid. It is not just spinal injuries that hamper golfers. The pattern of compensation described above can also spread beyond the back to peripheral joints and soft tissue. For instance if spinal rotation is limited, excessive compensatory movement at the shoulder and upper limb can result in rotator cuff injuries, sprained wrists, golfers or tennis elbow. Stiffness in the hip or restrictions in the sacro iliac joints of the pelvis similarly can have a knock on effect further up the body.
In short the golf swing is a whole body movement and osteopathy is a whole body therapy. Whilst acute local problems need to be resolved, if the underlying causes are not addressed injuries will recur again and again. These underlying causes are very often non-painful but poorly functioning spinal or peripheral joints away from the site of pain. Osteopathic examination can identify these areas so treatment can encompass both immediate effects and underlying causes of the problem.
If you are finding that your golf is causing you pain either during or after the game we can help you. Book an appointment today and rediscover your enjoyment of golf.
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